Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dawn Patrol...

At O:dark thirty a few balloons go up to test the winds. They check the strength and direction to determine if there will be a mass ascension or not.

If the "Albuquerque Box" is in effect almost everyone will go up.  The box is a wind condition peculiar to Albuquerque where the winds literally make a box so they rise from the landing field, float down the valley, then rise or drop and float back toward the landing field. 

Even if they decide not to have a mass ascension, the pilots can decide to 
go up anyway.  Many do.

We missed out on the mass ascension the first day, so the Chaser's Club gave us each a rain check for another morning's session.  We were still able to have breakfast and watch some of the balloons launch.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta...

We all got settled in at the Fiesta Grounds which the City of Albuquerque owns and operates.  The Fiesta runs 10 days, but we are only here for the first 5.  We bought tickets to the Chaser's Club Tent which allows us a comfortable seat and good viewing along with food and drink.

The small stage you see on the left had live entertainment for us in the afternoon and evening.  The tents on the right are where they served our food.  We also had hot coffee, tea and cocoa in the mornings at O dark thirty with donuts to tide us over until the Dawn Patrol was up and they served our breakfast.  

This is where they cooked our food, as you can see the group appreciated the warmth and made friends with the cooks.

Our table stayed ours the whole time we were there, people seemed to stake out a place and returned to it each session.  We could go out on the field as much as we wanted to see the balloons up close and personal or sit in comfort out of the madding crowd.  I wore a hat and scarf so Tom could  find me if I wandered too